Posted in LIfe Improvement, Uncategorized

Day 3 – Follow Your Passion!

Hello, everyone!

Today I want to talk about something very important to me – following your passion.

So I have this friend. For few years now he is filming himself playing video games and he is posting those videos on YouTube. He is really good at playing video games, and his videos are truly great and funny and all, but his they just can’t seem to get as much attention as they should.

So what does he do? Does he get demotivated? Does he feel like he should quit filming?


He still continues filming. And his videos are still as good as ever. And he still continues working hard even though he still isn’t getting much attention.

So why is he still doing it?

Because he is passionate about it.

He loves what he’s doing, he is good at it and he is never going to quit it.

And neither should you.


If you love something, if you’re passionate about it, if you feel it in your bones that you should pursue that and that only, then do it! What is keeping you from it?

If you want something, go get it. Period.

We are all in this world for a reason, and that reason isn’t to just blindly follow the system and do what the society wants us to do. Stop following the path everyone wants you to follow and create your own path! It might be tough, it might take some time, but if there is one thing I know, I know that it is going to be worth it.


Do you feel like you should create? Create.

Do you feel like you should sing? Sing.

Do you feel like you should draw? Draw.

Just do it, do the thing you love, do the thing you are passionate about. If you are really passionate about it, you are ready to grind, you are ready to invest your sweat and your tears to make things work out.

The thing is – you need to stap fearing the failure. This is not the time for it. We are here only for a limited period of time. If you don’t like what you’re doing right now than stop doing it at this instant. Find your passion. Find your obsession. Aim high and grab your dreams! No one is going to do it for you, you need to do it yourself.


And I know that you are going to make it, same as I know that one day my friend’s videos are going to get the attention they deserve.

Do not let the society to shape your future, it is up to you.

I believe in you.

Thank you for reading!



P.S. If you want to check out my friend’s YouTube channel, it is right here!

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